Convert funscript to phase modulated MP3

Mods by astonia


Enter a single frequency or a comma-separated list of frequencies to combine
Volume Mapping for position Volume at 0 Volume at center Volume at 100
Left CH
Right CH
Center is at position
Funscript normalization Min position (0) Max position (100)
Normalize to

Custom Generation Settings

Generate an output file for every combination of stroke parameters between min and max. Settings from above are still in effect.
overrides generation parameters above
Enter time offset (ms) and position pairs for each action separated by commas. When the last action is reached, the cycle will start again at the beginning. Each value in the pair can be further modified by appending a : and then an increment modifier to adjust the value for the next cycle. A second : and value can be added to stop the increment when a specific value is reached. A third : and value (0, 1, or 2) can be added to indicate if the increment should be reversed or start over when the stop target is reached. 0 means the value will stop incrementing, 1 means the increment will be reversed until it's back to the original value (and then continue reversing between the values), and 2 means it will jump back to the original value and continue incrementing from there. e.g. "500,20:-1,1000:-10,80:+1:90:1" = 1st action at +500ms at position 20 then decrement position by 1, 2nd action at +1000ms at position 80, then decrement ms by 10 and increment position by 1 until it gets to 90 then reverse until it's back at 80

Select one or more .funscript file(s) to be rendered

Custom Output Generation

Save/Load Settings